Ubisoft, one of the world's leading video game developers and publishers, has recently made progress towards becoming a more environmentally-friendly company.

In a presentation by Sophie Barteau, head of Green IT at Ubisoft, she shared the company's experience of implementing a strategy. One of the main challenges mentioned by Sophie Barteau was to define a clear strategy and objectives for the company's Green IT efforts. She used the analogy of planning a road trip to illustrate the importance of having a long-term vision and a clear plan for getting there.

To ensure they were on the right track, Ubisoft defined clear key performance indicators (KPIs) to support their programme, with a focus on achieving carbon neutrality.
Carbon neutrality has been identified as a critical business issue for Ubisoft, given that the IT sector accounts for 16% of global carbon emissions. The company's ambition is to reduce its carbon emissions by 10.8% per employee by 2024, compared to its 2019 baseline. To achieve this, Ubisoft established specific key results to track and measure their progress towards their target. These key results were operationally applicable metrics that the company could easily monitor.
Such as training its employees on the importance of reducing their carbon footprint. As well as defining specific KPIs and key results, Ubisoft has also set up a Bashbord to track their progress. Sophie Barteau emphasised the importance of having a clear process for reporting and analysing data to ensure that the company was making measurable progress towards its carbon neutrality goal. This required a clear understanding of the baseline data and the identification of specific data points to track and measure. The company faced challenges in determining how far it should go in tracking data and ensuring the accuracy and consistency of the data collected.
In conclusion, by setting clear objectives and specific key results, the company has a measurable framework for assessing progress towards its carbon neutrality goal. However, the company must continue to refine its strategy and address the challenges associated with data collection and analysis to ensure that it is making significant progress towards its objective.
The support offered by the Ecoco2 team aims to raise awareness through coaching. Raising awareness involves helping companies to understand the environmental issues at stake and encouraging them to take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. Energy coaching, on the other hand, involves helping companies to identify concrete measures they can take to reduce their energy consumption.
L'équipe veille à aider les entreprises à adopter une approche numérique responsable. Les entreprises sont encouragées à prendre en compte l’environnementales et les questions sociales dans leur organisation et leurs solutions. Il est recommandé de prioriser les efforts et de faire le point sur les actions entreprises pour mesurer les progrès réalisés. Afin d'aider les entreprises à mesurer leur impact environnemental plusieurs outils d'évaluation sont mis à disposition. Ces outils permettent aux entreprises de mesurer leur qualité et leur impact écologique. Ils peuvent également les aider à organiser les informations et à identifier les domaines où des améliorations sont nécessaires. Les outils d'évaluation proposés incluent Lighthouse, un outil open source opérationnel, Carbonstore, qui mesure la performance et l'impact environnemental et identifier les zones d'action prioritaires, INR pour mesurer les progrès de l'entreprise par le biais de rapports est riche établie sur 9 critères. Les collaborateurs sont encouragés à utiliser ces outils de manière ludique.
he Ecoco2 team is also encouraging companies to steer their laptop purchases towards more sustainable and modular devices. An operational approach is developed to quantify, measure and define the values to be achieved. The solutions are accessible and measurable using tools such as Lighthouse.
In conclusion, their support and use of assessment tools enable companies to measure their environmental impact and take concrete steps to reduce it. In this way, companies can adopt a more responsible approach and help to protect the environment.