The Ambassadors
Les 33 ambassadeurs Planet Tech’Care s’engagent à diffuser les actualités de l’initiative et à la faire connaitre auprès de leur communauté pour qu’elle s’engage et rejoigne l’initiative. Merci à tous nos ambassadeurs qui font rayonner Planet Tech’Care.
Agir pour le Développement du Numérique dans l'Ouest (ADN Ouest)
The largest network of digital professionals in France, ADN Ouest works on a daily basis to represent and develop the digital sector in Pays de La Loire and Brittany. With more than 600 member organisations and 3,200 members located throughout the region, ADN Ouest constitutes a unique network for the entire local ecosystem. Thanks to a hundred or so annual events organised by its members and to projects on innovation, employment and training, digital transition and CSR, ADN Ouest addresses the main challenges of the digital sector.
ALIPTIC is the cluster for the digital sector in the Limousin region (Corrèze, Creuse, Haute-Vienne). It was founded in 2003 by digital professionals and has more than 150 members representing all the professions in the sector and all types of companies.
The main actions carried out by ALIPTIC are based on 3 axes: networking and visibility, economic development and training and talent.
ALIPTIC thus animates the territory's digital ecosystem through events, conferences and networking times, actively participates in the digital transformation of the territory's economy, and supports the digital sector in its training and recruitment challenges, by relying on a vast network of public and private partners. Sustainable digital technology is a cross-cutting issue that is integrated into all of ALIPTIC's activities.
Alliance Digitale
Alliance Digitale is the main association of digital marketing players in France. It is the result of the merger of the IAB France and the Mobile Marketing Association. Alliance Digitale's objective is to represent all the digital marketing professions in order to ensure their development, to defend their interests but also to contribute to both social issues and the creation of new standards. It brings together the vast majority of players in the sector (Brands, Media, Agencies, Tech), i.e. more than 250 different companies
Alliance Industrie du Futur
Créée en 2015, l’Alliance Industrie du Futur (AIF), association loi 1901, organise et coordonne, au niveau national, les initiatives, projets et travaux des PME/ETI, pour la modernisation des outils industriels et la transformation de leur modèle économique, notamment par l’apport de nouvelles technologies.
Présidée par Frédéric Sanchez depuis mars 2021, elle porte la Filière « Solutions Industrie du Futur » labellisée par le Conseil National de l’Industrie : Elle anime pour cela les groupes projets du Contrat Stratégique de Filière. Son parti pris : intégrer le salarié avec son savoir-faire et son savoir-être, comme élément majeur de la réussite de ce processus. L’objectif de la Filière est de repositionner l’offre française de solutions pour l’industrie du futur au cœur de la relance pour l’émergence d’une industrie digitale et décarbonée.
L’Alliance Industrie du Futur est membre fondateur de la French Fab.
Alliance Numérique du Grand Ouest
The TES and Images et Réseaux competitiveness clusters have pooled their network of expertise in a strategic alliance.
Representing more than 350 members firmly rooted in the Brittany, Loire and Normandy regions and on the Seine axis, this cooperation federates the first community of digital experts on the scale of the Grand Ouest. This alliance accelerates the development of ambitious Research & Innovation projects in digital technologies and uses. It is a major asset for maintaining and creating jobs in their territories. It encourages the emergence of solutions that meet the major societal challenges, including the reduction of the carbon footprint.
Media on the digital transformation of companies, committed to "Stronger together", Alliancy selects for you the testimonies and experience feedback of women and men active in an innovation dynamic. Strategic vision, governance and organisational modes, use of data, future of work, responsible digital, enrichment and animation of ecosystems (innovation, human resources, information systems, finance and purchasing...), cloud, security and IS management... We take an interest in these different transformation levers so that they gradually become part of your daily life. Stimulate your curiosity, save time and identify the keys to your company's success.
Alsace digitale
Aquinum, the Association of Digital Professionals in Aquitaineis a community of nearly 400 players in the sector, all passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience. Each year, the association organises numerous events designed to bring together or share information in different formats: conferences, meetups, round tables/debates, workshops, forums, etc.
Aquinum, the Association of Digital Professionals in Aquitaineis a community of nearly 400 players in the sector, all passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience. Each year, the association organises numerous events designed to bring together or share information in different formats: conferences, meetups, round tables/debates, workshops, forums, etc.
Since 1988 ARISTOTE, a scholarly and philotechnical society, has been bringing together research organisations, grandes écoles, companies, SMEs and start-ups involved in digital developments and uses. ARISTOTE weaves links between the academic world and the industry and service sector through scientific and strategic monitoring. The association offers work groups, which are privileged places of exchange around digital technology, and organises seminar cycles and training courses. Its Programme Committee is a place for reflection and debate, an essential link between members, work groups, seminar participants and, more generally, the "ARISTOTE community".
Bordeaux Games
The purpose of the association is to coordinate the means and actions of companies in the video game sector and any action promoting the interactive entertainment industry in Bordeaux and its region. It also promotes networking between its members and the animation of the sector in coordination with other actors.
CCI Alsace Eurométropole
La Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Alsace Eurométropole est au service de 100 000 entreprises de l’industrie, du commerce et des services en Alsace et participe activement au développement de l’économie locale :
- Représentation et défense des intérêts du monde économique
- Accompagnement des créateurs/repreneur
- Soutien aux projets de développement des entreprises tout au long de leur vie
- Déploiement d’offres de formations initiales continues et d’apprentissage
- Participation à la gestion d’équipements structurants pour le territoire (aéroport, ports, parc des expositions…),
- Développement de l’attractivité de l’Alsace et des collaborations avec les territoires transfrontaliers voisins,
- Synergies avec la Région, les agglomérations et les collectivités locales pour dynamiser l’économie locale.
Club des Dirigeants Réseaux et Télécoms (CDRT)
Established in 2012, the Club des Dirigeants Réseaux et Télécoms (CDRT) is an association under the law of 1901. The CDRT has 200 members, all of whom are executives of companies active in the IT and telecom convergence market.
The Club allows its members to get in touch, exchange and share experiences with the actors of the IT and telecom ecosystem. It allows to create synergies in a friendly way, to anticipate the market evolutions and to participate in the promotion of Unified Communications on the French market. The Club is present throughout France and is supported by 5 regional delegations (IDF, Nord, Ouest, Occitanie, Rhône Alpes).
Club Urba-EA
Club Urba-EA, an inter-company association created in 2000 by AXA, FNAC, ORESYS, RATP, SUEZ Lyonnaise des Eaux, deals with the various subjects related to Enterprise Architecture (EA). The URBA-EA Club brings together Enterprise Architects and IS planners from more than 75 companies. The URBA-EA Club is a place for exchange between professionals, for sharing experiences and for promoting approaches to companies and higher education.
The URBA-EA Club's Board of Directors has selected the subject of Digital Sobriety as a key topic for sharing; architects, because of their cross-functional positioning and their close relationship with the CIO, are actors and/or influencers in favour of reducing digital impacts.
A manifesto for an eco-responsible EA has been formalised and is signed by a large part of our members.
CoTer numérique
COTER NUMERIQUE is an association under the law of 1901, which brings together French local authorities and addresses issues related to digital and information systems. Our members are :
• of Cities
• Communities (Urban, Agglomeration, Communes) and Metropolises - Intercommunal Syndicates
• Groupings of municipalities
•of the Departmental Councils
- Regional Councils
CPME (Confédération des petites et moyennes entreprises)
The CPME, the employers' organisation for small and medium-sized companies, represents more than 243,000 companies with 4 million employees in all sectors: industry, services, commerce, crafts and the independent professions. As a social partner, the Confederation represents them in joint negotiations and with the public authorities, in France as well as internationally.
With a network of 110 federations and 117 territorial unions, the Confederation is present in all departments and regions, including overseas. With an office in Brussels, the CPME works to make its voice heard in the European Union. At international level, it coordinates an export approach for companies.
The CPME has been involved for many years in sustainable development and CSR issues and regularly brings its members together to discuss these issues in the framework of a Commission. It is also a member of several consultative and dialogue bodies on these subjects, such as the Conseil national de la Transition écologique and the Plateforme RSE.
Club des Responsables Infrastructures, Technologies et Production (CRiP)
The CRiP (Club des Responsables Infrastructures, Technologies et Production) is an association of users, independent of suppliers, which brings together more than 11,800 IT infrastructure, technology and production managers representing nearly 400 major accounts, companies and administrationsThe CRiP is a space for peer exchange, enabling the comparison and benchmarking of experiences and the sharing of best practices in an agnostic and authentic manner.
Our objectives : Save time in your projects by benefiting from feedback and honest recommendations from your peers (successes and failures), develop your professional network and accelerate your career, position yourself in relation to your peers, benefit from market analyses (survey results), accelerate and reinforce your choices, be at the forefront of the latest methodologies and organisational models to enable your companies to be agile on a large scale, anticipate technological developments and innovations by benefiting from a continuous and mutualised watch and highlight the achievements of your organisation and teams.
Comité 21
Think tank and do tank at the same time, the Comité 21 is a platform that brings together the strength of the largest multi-stakeholder network dedicated to sustainable development and the expertise of animation and facilitation of co-construction. With more than 450 members in its five colleges (companies, local authorities, associations, higher education establishments, citizens), the association aims to anticipate environmental, technological, societal and regulatory changes and to support the players, to help them adopt "proactive" approaches in the face of accelerating challenges. The Comité 21 thus contributes to the transformation of society towards a sustainable model based on the Agenda 2030 and the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs) at local, national, European and international levels.
Déclic is the national network of IT and digital mutualisation for local authorities and citizens, placed under the presidency of Mr. Emmanuel Vivé, the association federates since 2005 the Public Operators of Digital Services (OPSN). Organised as an association, it brings together 55 PSNOs throughout France (Management Centres, Joint Syndicates, Departmental Technical Agencies, GIPs, associations). The cross-fertilisation of their experiences enables the construction of a range of operational solutions. Déclic offers its member the possibility of finding the model best adapted to the local environment. The aim of our network is to share information, experiences, technological and regulatory monitoring, by pooling tools and resources. It pursues the objective of balancing the relations between local authorities and their interlocutors by reinforcing the mutualisation of their resources.
Digital Aquitaine
Digital Aquitaine works for the sustainable development of the digital economy in the New Aquitaine region through the animation of market or technological domains of excellence (DomEx): digital health (TIC Santé), mobility, intelligent transport and satellite applications (TOPOS), connected commerce (Club Commerce Connecté), the factory of the future through digital simulation, augmented/virtual reality (Smart4D), and Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI Data Science).
On the other hand, the cluster addresses issues common to all digital ecosystems with the aim of proposing a shared strategic vision on structuring economic developments: the use of data, regulatory - legal / security framework, digital skills, environmental, social and economic impacts, international development via a market / ecosystem approach.
E-CO - E-commerce responsable
E-CO is a group of professionals who have set themselves the objective of reflecting on and imagining a future for E-commerce that is more sustainable in all its areas of activity, and for greater environmental and social responsibility.
EFEL Power
EFEL Power is a group of French software publishers that brings together companies and personalities from the French innovation ecosystem with the aim of bringing out the champions of tomorrow in France and internationally.
ESSEC Alumni Transition
ESSEC Alumni Transition is the club of ESSEC graduates committed to tackling the climate, social and environmental emergency. We are convinced that we can - and must - play a full role in the transition movement of our societies. Together we want to :
- be a force of proposal for the school's "Together" strategy and push it to integrate socio-ecological issues
- help students and alumni in search of meaning to orient themselves towards these sectors of the future
- raise awareness and equip alumni to help them master environmental, social and climate issues in order to participate in the transformation of their companies.
Fédération EBEN
Issue du regroupement de plusieurs associations professionnelles (FEB, FICOME et plus récemment S.I.N.), la Fédération EBEN rassemble les entreprises de distribution de produits et services pour l’environnement de travail :
• Stationery and office supplies ;
• Office and contract furniture ;
• Printing solutions (copiers and printers) ;
•IT products and solutions ;
• Electronic communication, telecom and network solutions;
• Digital printing solutions and graphic services.
It is the only professional association representing the sector and has its own collective agreement.
As a place for exchange and dialogue, it represents the interests of its 2,500 members in complete independence and transparency, to support them in their development and contribute to creating a favourable economic and social environment. A true collective adventure, the EBEN Federation, driven by a spirit of sharing and conviviality, constitutes a platform of expertise conducive to innovation.
France Digitale
Founded in 2012, France Digitale is the largest association of startups in Europe. Co-chaired by Frédéric Mazzella, Chairman and founder of BlablaCar, and Benoist Grossmann, Managing Partner of Idinvest Partners, it brings together 1,800 startup members and digital investors. Its objective: to help create the future European digital champions, thanks to two levers of action: 1) the rise in power of the ecosystem: community building, networking, knowledge transfer, exchange of best practices, and 2) public relations, to share the collective expertise of its members and defend the interests of the ecosystem with French public institutions, major economic players, the media and the European Commission
France Ville Durable
Established in December 2019, France Ville Durable (FVD) is an association under the law of 1901, the result of the convergence between the Institut pour la Ville Durable (IVD) and the Vivapolis network initiated by the State. Its mission is to accelerate the sustainable and resilient transformation of French territories.
In a context of fast climate disruption and the crossing of other planetary limits, France Ville Durable positions itself above all as a solution-oriented "do-tank". It identifies, capitalises on and disseminates as widely as possible the the best tools, methods, solutions and achievements to help territories accelerate their sustainable transition and to increase the impact of their projects.
A key and unique player in its ecosystem, France Ville Durable brings together all the professional stakeholders of the sustainable city, grouped into four colleges with balanced governance: the local authorities and their associations, companies from all sizes (French groups as well as very small companies) the State (central administration and specialised operators) and city experts (in particular national professional organisations). It is a unique space for dialogue and synergy between public and private players, an essential prerequisite for accelerating the sustainable transition of territories.
HUB Institute
The HUB Institute, the first trusted third party for transformations for 10 years!
We lead and develop professional communities through a platform of content, events, exchanges and training around 3 thematic ecosystems: organisational issues (Management/HR), digital transformation issues (Digital Business), sustainable and societal issues (Sustainable).
With more than 120 member companies and more than 200 solution providers, the HUB Institute offers personalised support tailored to the needs of each company.
Le Grand Numérique
Le Grand Numérique (LGN) aims to transform Seine-Saint-Denis through digital technology through three pillars:
- integration through training
- entrepreneurship,
- public policies.
Constituted as an association under the French law of 1901, LGN has a dual objective: (1) to provide a tool for inclusion, training and job creation; (2) to create a lever for the development of the region by encouraging the creation of start-ups and attracting innovative companies from the digital ecosystem.
Since 2012, Maddyness has taken a prominent place in the French entrepreneurial ecosystem. Maddyness has become a must-read for entrepreneurs, players in finance, media, new technologies and innovation, delivering quality information to more than 700,000 people every month.
Inspiration, advice, news, surveys, but also practical information and tools, the media of the new generation economy and entrepreneurship is aimed at everyone, neophytes and experts alike. Beyond its role as a source of information, Maddyness wishes to open a window on the future of businesses and society as a whole by giving a foretaste of what our lives will be like tomorrow. Want to join the movement?
With 173,000 member companies, representing 10.2 million employees, Medef is the leading network of entrepreneurs in France. 95% of member companies are very small businesses. They have an average of 47 employees. Medef engages in a dialogue with all actors of the civil society and works with the different decision-makers in favour of a better understanding of the constraints and assets of companies. Its raison d'être is to act together for a responsible growth.
Perspectives Numériques 10
PERSPECTIVES NUMERIQUES 10 est la Communauté des acteurs du numérique du Sud Champagne. Elle fédère et connecte les acteurs du numérique (plus de 50 membres à ce jour) afin d’accélérer leur développement, promouvoir leurs compétences et services et faciliter la transformation numérique des entreprises et organisations du territoire.
Membre associé Numeum, elle initie et contribue à des projets de transformation numérique du territoire comme le Campus Cyber de Troyes ou des événements annuels comme le RDV du Numérique et les Trophées du Numérique.
Promoteur du Numérique Responsable, elle sensibilise les entreprises par des actions d’information régulières.
SOLAINN lists French digital companies that publish software, professional applications and digital platforms, and that provide equipment and infrastructure solutions, the Digital Made In France in a way. Its #SOLAINN300 mapping and sourcing platform provide easy access and support to decision-makers seeking solutions for the digital acceleration of all organisations.
Le réSeau des Professionels du Numérique (SPN)
The Network of Digital and Image Professionals brings together nearly 200 companies located in the North Aquitaine region. Strongly rooted in the region since its creation in 2001, the SPN develops the growth of professionals in the sector and the digital industry.
On a daily basis, the SPN implements its network action at the level of the Angoulême, La Rochelle, Niort and Poitiers conurbations. The association promotesthe exchange of good practices between entrepreneurs, schools, laboratories, investors and institutions tocreate winning synergies and animates communities of experts in the sector. The SPN works to ensure that all individuals, companies or local authority understands and take ownership of the challenges,the codes and knowledge that are essential for their development and emancipation in the digital society.
Telecom Valley
Telecom Valley est l’association qui anime l’écosystème du Numérique sur la Côte d’Azur depuis plus de 30 ans. Elle rassemble plus de 150 adhérents (startups, PME, grands groupes, académiques et institutionnels) et anime à travers des communautés thématiques et projets pilotés par des bénévoles : m-Tourisme, Open Source, Capital Humain & Intelligence Collective, Test & Qualité Logiciel, E-santé, Expérience utilisateur et client (UX-CX), Data & IA, Agilité, Cybersécurité, Startups, Sobriété numérique & Eco-conception, Entrepreneuriat étudiant (Challenge Jeunes Pousses) Fabrication numérique / prototypage rapide (SoFAB), Lab Cybersécurité, Lab Transition énergétique.