
Find here our monthly workshops led by our partners throughout the year. Planet Tech'Care workshops are reserved for our signatories.

Ateliers à venir :
Mars 6 17h-18H30

Atelier REX Signataires : Comment concilier IA & Sobriété en 2025

Nous sommes impatients de vous retrouver lors de cet atelier de partage d’expériences entre Signataires de Planet Tech’Care !

Comme à l’accoutumée, l’atelier se déroulera en deux temps : une première partie dédiée aux témoignages de 2 ou 3 signataires, suivie d’une seconde partie d’échanges libres pour permettre les rencontres, les discussions et le soutien autour de ces thématiques.

Février 4


Etude monde sur les impacts du numérique

L’association Green IT publie le 4 février sa toute dernière mise à jour des impacts environnementaux du numérique au niveau monde : IA, objets connectés, TV, smartphones, … Venez découvrir dès le jour de sa sortie les principaux résultats et poser toutes vos questions !

Janvier 23 17h-18H30

Cloud et écoresponsabilité : Les bonnes pratiques

Fournisseurs et utilisateurs du cloud et de l’IA, nous nous devons de réfléchir avant tout à nos usages, aux déchets numériques que nous produisons chaque jour et qui s’entassent. Nous nous devons de mieux concevoir et exploiter cette matérialité du cloud pour en limiter la consommation énergétique comme les émissions carbone.

Décembre 11 Octobre 23 9h-12h30

Ateliers Fresque du Numérique​

Dans le cadre de notre partenariat avec La Fresque du Numérique, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer un atelier unique.

La Fresque du Numérique est un atelier ludique et collaboratif, utilisant une pédagogie similaire à celle de La Fresque du Climat.

Le nombre de places pour cet atelier est limité à 8 personnes. Afin de permettre à tous nos signataires de faire participer un membre de leur équipe, la participation est restreinte à 1 personne par organisation signataire.

Décembre 5 17h-18H30


Point sur la réglementation Numérique et Environnement

Trois ans après la mise en place de la Loi REEN, cet atelier permettra de faire un point sur son évolution et les ajustements nécessaires pour accompagner vos démarches écologiques dans le numérique, en conformité avec les dernières normes.

Octobre 23 11h-12h30

Green AI : navigating between the hype and the environmental impacts of AI

Nous sommes ravis de vous proposer notre premier atelier en anglais, animé par l’ISIT-BE, partenaire de Planet Tech’Care basé en Belgique !

In this webinar, we will explore various aspects of AI’s environmental impacts. We will discuss the contributions of non-profits including Boavizta, Code Carbon and GenAI Impact focusing on methodologies and tools that simplify assessing these impacts. We will also address what sets GenAI models apart in terms of their environmental footprint compared to “non-generative” or “traditional” AI models.

We will highlight the risks and discuss how new regulations such as the CSRD or the AI Act will affect organizations that integrate AI into their workflows and services. Additionally, we will provide recommendations on how to address and mitigate these risks, with a particular focus on reducing impacts.

Octobre 17 17h-18h30

Evaluation de l'empreinte environnementale du cloud public

Boavizta, partenaire de Planet Tech’Care, vous présentera les résultats de l’enquête qu’ils ont menée auprès des consommateurs de Cloud Public. 

Quelle maturité des organisations ? Quels retours d’expérience ? Quelles bonnes pratiques ? Quels outils ? Quels usages ?

Evaluer l’empreinte environnemental des services Cloud public est un sujet corrélé aux usages cloud des organisations. Boavizta a souhaité recueillir ces éléments de contexte à travers 5 thématiques :

  • Adoption Cloud (CSP utilisés, %workload Cloud, maturité & adoption)
  • Démarche GreenIT / Numérique Responsable (Démarche de mesure, bilan carbone IT, maturité de l’organisation sur la mesure)
  • Evaluation de l’impact environnemental du Cloud (Approche bottom-up ou top-down, sponsors, facteurs de motivation)
  • Pratiques & outils d’évaluation (Quels outils & guides méthodologiques utilisés, attentes vis-à-vis des fournisseurs)
  • Retours d’expérience & décisions

Septembre 23

Présentation du Benchmark

Le collectif Green IT publie les résultats de la 9e édition du Benchmark Green IT. L’étude repose sur l’analyse des systèmes d’information de plus de 30 organisations dans des secteurs d’activités variés: organisations publiques, banques et assurances, retail et luxe, industrie, etc.

Pour cette 9ème édition, le Benchmark Green IT a permis à l’Ademe de valider et améliorer le RCP « Système d’Information ».

Le collectif Green IT, partenaire de Planet Tech’Care vous présente lors de cette session les résultats de cette édition et les préconisations pour réduire l’empreinte du numérique en milieu professionnel.

Juillet 3

Guide pour une IA responsable

L’IA est une opportunité sans précédent pour :

  • De nouvelles perspectives en matière d’efficacité opérationnelle (ciblage plus fin pour personnaliser les offres, prédiction des tendances du marché…) et de prises de décisions ;
  • Permettre de réduire les coûts en automatisant certaines tâches répétitives et chronophages (gestion plus efficace des stocks, optimisation des trajets par exemples), libérant ainsi des effectifs pour des activités à plus forte valeur ajoutée ;
  • Offrir une expérience client plus personnalisée et interactive avec des chatbots ou des assistants virtuels avancés.

Néanmoins, il faudra prendre garde à ce que nos IA soient responsables, tant pour l’image de marque de la société au regard des clients que pour les clients eux-mêmes et les salariés.

Nous vous invitons à découvrir les recommandations d’une IA responsable vue par l’INR, partenaire de Planet Tech’Care, ( INR | Institut du Numérique Responsable – Think Tank [https://(]( ) au travers de leur Guide, fruit d’une collaboration de bénévoles sur le sujet de plus d’un an.

La présentation sera suivie d’un temps d’échange.

Juin 24

Présentation du RGESN Référentiel Général d'écoconception de services numériques

Le référentiel général de l’écoconception des services numériques est un document technique destiné aux experts et métiers du numérique souhaitant mettre en œuvre une démarche d’écoconception pour un service (sites, applications, IA, logiciels, API).

Il a été élaboré par l’Arcep et l’Arcom, en collaboration avec l’ADEME, la DINUM, la CNIL et l’Inria.

Les 78 fiches pratiques du référentiel détaillent les critères essentiels à prendre en compte pour réduire l’impact environnemental d’un service. Elles listent ainsi les questions à se poser au moment de l’écoconception d’un service, et proposent des moyens de mise en œuvre, puis de test ou de contrôle.

La présentation sera faite par l’Arcep, partenaire de Planet Tech’Care et sera suivie d’un temps d’échange durant lequel vous pourrez poser vos questions à Sandrine Elmi Hersi, Cheffe d’unité “Internet ouvert” et Olivier Delclos, directeur, de la Direction « Internet, Données, Presse, Poste et Utilisateurs » à l’Arcep.

Lien vers le document complet

Mai 28 - 9h Juin 20 - 9h

Workshops Fresque du Numérique

Nous sommes ravis de reprendre  nos sessions  Fresque du numérique en distanciel !

The number of places for these workshops is limited to 8 people per group. In order to allow all our signatories to have one person from their team who can participate, we limit the participation to 1 person/signatory organisation. The Fresque du Numérique is a fun and collaborative workshop with a similar pedagogy to that of the Fresque du Climat. The aim of the workshop is to raise awareness and educate participants on the environmental issues of digital technology. The workshop also aims to explain the broad lines of actions for a more sustainable digital world, and then to open discussions between participants on the subject

Les liens d’inscription ont été envoyés via notre newsletter d’avril

Mai 14
5:00 - 6:30pm

Atelier 37 - Accompagnement des PME du secteur numérique dans leur transition écologique

Animé par Infranum, Ademe et Bpifrance

Les acteurs de petite et moyenne taille manquent de temps et de ressources pour effectuer les bilans carbone, alors qu’ils leur sont de plus en plus demandés. Non seulement nécessaires pour remonter des informations à des clients et pour répondre aux appels d’offre, les bilans carbone sont aussi des leviers d’action. Par ce diagnostic, les entreprises peuvent identifier les principaux facteurs d’impact et mettre en place des mesures de décarbonation. Afin de rendre ce diagnostic plus accessible et de faciliter le passage à l’action, ce webinaire présentera les principaux outils de financement et d’accompagnement existants, ainsi qu’un retour expérience d’entreprises du secteur.


  • Accueil et Ouverture
  • Introduction sur les actions de la filière des infrastructures du numérique par Astrid Voorwinden, Chargée de mission Environnement, (InfraNum)
  • Présentation du Diag Décarbon’action par Romane Berlioz Dit Savoret, Cheffe de projet Diag Action, (BPI France)
  • Retour sur les actions des acteurs de la filière avec Cécile l’Hopital, Responsable RSE, (Axione), Paul Le Dantec Expert Diag Décarbon’Action et consultant RSE, (EKHO), et le témoignage d’une PME du secteur avec Maud Bry Responsable Communication et RSE, (Tetradis)
  • Présentation de l’outil Mission transition environnementale pour les PME et du dispositif Tremplin par Jean-Baptiste Le Dévéhat, Intrapreneur Transition Ecologique des Entreprises, (ADEME)
  • Temps d’échange et questions

Avril 16
17h - 18h

Numérique Responsable : Comment embarquer votre hiérarchie?

Animé par Boavizta

Les démarches de Numérique Responsable (à minima Green IT) se multiplient dans les organisations, cependant, certaines sont encore récalcitrantes à consacrer temps et budget à cet effet.

Boavizta, partenaire de Planet Tech’Care, a réalisé une étude quantitative et qualitative du marché auprès de 85 organisations. Après analyse, Boavizta a rassemblé dans une publication l’ensemble de ces enseignements. et propose de les partager avec vous.

Cet argumentaire s’adresse à celles et ceux qui souhaiteraient convaincre de l’intérêt de mettre en place une démarche de sobriété numérique et de mesure dans leur organisation.

Intervenants :

  • Océane Puech, administratice de Boavizta et fondatrice de GreenScale
    Julien Rouzé, membre de Boavizta et co-fondateur de Sopht

July 11
5:00 - 6:30pm

REX 5 :Comment intégrer le numérique responsable à mes offres et communiquer en évitant l’écueil du greenwashing ?

Animé par Latitudes

As usual, the workshop will take place in 2 stages:
1. Testimonials from signatories

We are also delighted to announce that our speakers will include three eminent professionals:

  • Adrien Montagut, co-founder of Commown, 
  • Jean-Patrice Clerc, co-founder and artistic director of Mymétic
  • France Tintin-Snaider, Head of Financial Processes and Certifications at Harington


2. Sharing and reflection in small groups


Juin. 29
5:00 - 6:30pm

Alliance Green IT - Maitriser l'impact env. des datacenters

Animé par l’Alliance Green IT

Data centres are an essential infrastructure for the development of our digital needs. They are the first building block in the digital economy. Just like the activity they support, they are experiencing strong growth, leading to a concentration of electricity requirements.
The European Commission has clearly stated that data centres "can and should become climate neutral by 2030". The Climate neutral Datacenter pact takes up this objective and makes it a commitment.
For our part, at AGIT, we advocate a reduction in environmental impact rather than neutrality, and we are convinced that strong actions and commitments must be taken.
AGIT, with the support of around twenty contributors - academics, hosting providers, engineering firms, institutions and users - has just published a white paper aimed at identifying additional levers for even more eco-responsible data centres that meet the ambitions of sustainable development.

  • What is the role of the data centre? How does it work? What are its components?
  • Quelles actions d’écoconception et d’écoconstruction mener en priorité pour un Datacenter plus écoresponsable ?
  • What good environmental practices are already in place, and on what scale?
  • What techniques are emerging in the Datacenter industry, and what research and development work is underway?

Find out the answers to all these questions, and many more, in Planet Tech Care's next Webianire: Datacenter, controlling and optimising its environmental impact.

Mai. 31
5:00 - 6:30pm

Etude Ademe / Arcep - Présentation du volet 3 analyse prospective

held by Ademe and Arcep

For this 30th Planet Tech'Care workshop, our partners Ademe and Arcep will be presenting the third and final part of their joint study on the environmental footprint of digital technology in France.

It concernsprospective analysis for 2030 and 2050. The study shows that if no action is taken to limit the growth in the environmental impact of digital technology, its carbon footprint could triple between 2020 and 2050. It identifies the levers for action that need to be taken and amplified today to ensure that the development of digital uses is less carbon- and resource-intensive.

The workshop will be led by :

  • Anne Yvrande-Billon, Director of Economy, Markets and Digital, Arcep. 
  • Charles Joudon-Watteau, Project Manager, Economy, Markets and Digital Division, Arcep 
  • Erwann Fangeat, Coordinator of the Digital and Sustainability Unit, Ademe.

Mai. 16
5:00 - 6:30pm

REX 4 : Comment embarquer ses collaborateurs dans une dynamique de transition vers un numérique écoresponsable ?

held par Latitudes

To launch our 2023 cycle of experience-sharing workshops between Planet Tech'Care signatories, and following your feedback, we invite you to discuss a central issue in the success of an eco-responsible digital project: mobilising your teams around such a project. 

As usual, the workshop will take place in 2 stages:
1. Testimonials from signatories
With contributions from 2 - 3 signatories who will share their experience with us, the actions they have put in place, their tools and any obstacles they have encountered.
2. Sharing and reflection in small groups

Call for witnesses
If you would like to testify, please describe in a few words your proposed intervention in the dedicated question on the registration form eand we will get back to you as soon as possible.
You can also send us your testimonial by email:


Avril. 18
5:00 - 6:30pm

Atelier Bataille de la Tech

held par Latitudes

Take part in this workshop and/or share this link with your teams to help them better understand the challenges of digital responsibility.

If you'd like to find out more about digital responsibility and the practical steps you can take, sign up now!
This workshop is open to all your teams, so don't hesitate to send them the link so that they can register and better understand the issues surrounding eco-responsible digital technology and take action. 

March 7th
5:00 - 6:30pm

Intégrer les impacts environnementaux du numérique avec l'API Boavizta

held by Boavizta

This workshop is intended for a technical audience: Developers, Architects, Cloud Teams, Infrastructure Teams...

During this workshop, Boavizta, a partner of Planet Tech'Care and an inter-organisational association working on the production of open methods, data and tools to improve and facilitate the assessment of the environmental impacts of digital technology, will present the open source API they have designed.  Assessing the environmental impacts of digital is a complex process that requires a dual understanding of the digital world and environmental accounting. Existing simplified accounting methods are often not well suited to the digital world. To facilitate the implementation of more robust approaches by digital actors, Boavizta has created an open-source API: The BoaviztAPI.

Boavizta will present this API, the methods and data on which it is based as well as examples of use cases. This webinar is an opportunity to learn more about digital environmental impact assessments and to engage your teams in implementing the assessment in your context!

Febr 15th
5:00 - 6:30pm

Le numérique allié ou ennemi de la transition écologique ?

held by EpE-Entreprises pour l'Environnement

During this workshop, EpE - Entreprises pour l'Environnement will present their publication, published at the end of 2022. This publication is a synthesis of their work and analysis of real cases of strategies and practices for reducing the impact of digital technology, measuring its environmental footprint and its use by companies to accelerate the ecological transition. 
We will also have testimonials/retexes from several companies.

  • Presentation of the publication - Benoît Galaup, EpE (10 min)
  • Presentation of responsible digital best practices by companies (50 min) :

o   Boris Dolley, Directeur du Numérique Responsable, RTE

o   Edouard LanckrietDirector of Development and low-carbon agriculture referee, Agrosolutions

o   Julien Colas, Sustainability Solutions Senior Manager, Rexel

o   Marie Ait Daoud, Green IT Manager, VINCI

  • Discussion and questions (30 min)

Janu 31th
5:00 - 6:30pm

Présentation du Référentiel Général d’Ecoconception des Services Numériques et de l’outil NumEcoDiag

held by MinumEco

MiNumEco, the interministerial digital eco-responsible mission, partner of Planet Tech'Care, will present during this workshop the General Ecodesign Reference Framework for Digital Services that it published at the end of November 2022. 
The objective of this standard is to establish an ecodesign framework for digital services in order to reduce :

  • consumption of computer resources ;
  • the contribution to the obsolescence of equipment, whether it is user equipment or network or server equipment.

The NumEcoDiag tool will also be presented and a hands-on experience will be offered during the workshop.
A time of exchange will allow you to ask your questions to the speakers.

Dec 13th
5:00 - 6:30pm

L'open source au service du Green IT

held by NAOS

For this last workshop of 2022, our partner NAOS - Nouvelle Aquitaine Open Source invites you to discover the principles underlying the free software and open source movement, i.e. the opening of the code, security through transparency, open formats and protocols, and which allow a better composability / reusability of equipment and an increase in the life span of systems.

By nature, they promote a circular technology economy model, valuing the art of recycling and reusing software and hardware components for other purposes. The openness of components, which allows for better auditability of systems, contributes to their quality and security, but also to the measurement and reduction of their ecological footprint.

Nov 23th
5:00 - 7:00pm

Crise énergétique et numérique, présentation des travaux Cigref et Numeum

held by le Cigref et Numeum

More information to come.

Novembre 9th
5:00 - 6:30pm

Mesures de sobriété énergétique et dispositifs d'accompagnement pour les entreprises par l'Ademe

held by l'Ademe

As part of the energy sobriety plan, Ademe will present during this workshop the measures it recommends as well as the support measures available to companies.

October 11
5:00 - 7:00pm

Comment intégrer le Numérique Responsable à la stratégie d’une organisation via l'engagement de la direction ?

held by the Institut du Numérique Responsable

Workshop led by the Institute du Numérique Responsable, partner of Planet Tech'Care. With the participation of Agence Lucie, Groupe Isia and Région Bretagne.

Octobre 5
5:00 - 6:30pm

REX 3 - Partage d'expérience entre signataires -Certification des salarié.e.s et les compétences

The aim of these workshops is to share experiences and best practices and to reflect together on the concrete problems you encounter in your organisations. 

In this third workshop we will talk about certification of employees and their competences. The workshop will consist of two parts:

  • Testimonies of signatories

- State of play and quick overview by Adèle Schneeberger - Policy Officer at theAlliance GreenIT
- Testimony of Come Perpere - Director of Sustainable Development - Microsoft France
- Testimony of Charlotte Dollot - Managing Director - Razorfish and Frédéric Bordage - on Razorfish's approach

  • Sharing and discussion in small groups

Participants will be divided into small groups to reflect together, using the co-development method, on how to overcome the obstacles encountered in their organisations. 

Sept. 30 - 9am

Workshops Fresque du Numérique

We are delighted to offer our first face-to-face session in Paris! A distance learning session is also available for our signatories who are not in the Paris area.

The number of places for these workshops is limited to 8 people per group. In order to allow all our signatories to have one person from their team who can participate, we limit the participation to 1 person/signatory organisation. The Fresque du Numérique is a fun and collaborative workshop with a similar pedagogy to that of the Fresque du Climat. The aim of the workshop is to raise awareness and educate participants on the environmental issues of digital technology. The workshop also aims to explain the broad lines of actions for a more sustainable digital world, and then to open discussions between participants on the subject

The registration links were sent via our July newsletter

Sept. 20
5:00 - 6:30pm

Des jeux vidéo au monde unique interopérable, des modèles d’affaires aux politiques publiques, le metavers pourra-t-il être green ?

held by Institut G9+

Debate between Hugues Ferreboeuf of the Shift Project's Lean ICT Project Manager and Morgan Bouché, Head of global XR/Metaverse @Orange, moderated by Ana Semedo, Head of the Innovation Cycle of the G9+ Institute.

July 7
5:00 - 6:30pm

REX 2 - Partage d'expérience entre signataires - Mener une démarche de labellisation

The aim of these workshops is to share experiences and best practices and to reflect together on the concrete problems you encounter in your organisations. 

In this second workshop, we will talk about labelling and how to implement it in your organisation, key success factors, obstacles, challenges, etc.

The workshop will consist of two parts:

  • Testimonies of signatories

With the testimonies of:

    • Alliance GreenIT for a quick overview of labels
    • Gilles Mezari, Saaswedo / Taas
    • Laurent DENOUX, Responsable parcours achats responsables – Médiation des entreprises – Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de la Relance
    • Jérome Cilly, Ippon
  • Sharing and discussion in small groups

Participants will be divided into small groups to reflect together, using the co-development method, on how to overcome the obstacles encountered in their organisations.

June 21
5:00 - 6:30pm

Mesurer l’empreinte environnementale du numérique en France, la publication commune de l’ADEME et l’Arcep

held by Ademe and Arcep

ADEME and Arcep will present their work to better quantify the environmental impact of digital technology in France. At the workshop on 21 June, ADEME and Arcep will present their work to better quantify the environmental impact of digital technology in France. Following a request from the Government, the two institutions published in January 2022 the results of their study based on a rigorous life cycle analysis (LCA) methodology, identifying the impact indicators of the digital sector as a whole (terminals, networks, data centres) and targeting the action levers that will enable it to be reduced.

May 17
5:00 - 6:30pm

REX 1 : Partage d'expérience entre signataires - Convaincre sa direction et mobiliser un budget pour le numérique responsable

The aim of these workshops is to share experiences and best practices and to reflect together on the concrete problems you encounter in your organisations. 

The workshop will consist of two parts:

  • Testimonies of signatories :
    👉Agnes Comte, Digital Sobriety Project Manager, Banque de France
    👉Margerie Guilliot, Agile Coach and Eco-ambassador, Zenika
    👉 and a review of the work of the Boavizta workgroup on the subject by Julien Rouzé and Arnaud Girard
  • Sharing and reflection in small groups in a spirit of co-development

May 10
5:15 - 6:45pm

Ecoconception web : lancement de la 4ème édition du référentiel

Discover the 4th version of the web ecodesign framework presented by!
After 11 years of existence and 3 releases, this major update now includes test rules and compliance thresholds. In addition to the presentation of the framework, we will explain its articulation with the European Commission's PEF scheme and Article 25 of the REEN law. This is the first 100% open edition via a Creative Commons license.

5:00 - 6:30pm

Présentation et échanges autour du Guide de bonnes pratiques numérique responsable

MiNumEco, the interministerial mission for eco-responsible digital technology, partner of Planet Tech'Care, published on 17 February the Guide of good responsible digital practices for organisations, in beta version and in public consultation. This guide responds to the need for organisations to have a tool to support them in implementing their approach and their action plan for a more responsible digital environment.

March 16
5:00 - 6:30pm

Impacts environnementaux du numérique, enjeux, état des travaux et MOOC Impact'Num par l'INRIA

During this workshop, Inria, a partner of Planet Tech'Care, will offer an overview of its research on the environmental impacts of digital technology.

We will start with an overview of digital technology, which is both part of the problem and part of the solution. Part of the problem because the environmental impacts of digital technology, although hidden, are real and growing rapidly. Part of the solution because digital modelling, optimisation, data provision, development of decision support tools, etc. can make a significant contribution to environmental protection.

In a second step, we will discuss the Impact'Num MOOC, co-produced by Inria and the Class'Code association, which provides an introduction to the environmental impacts of digital technology. Environmental indicators, equipment life cycle, eco-design of digital services, economic and societal aspects, the programme provides an overview of the problems and associated issues with several levels of reading and deepening.

Detailed programme to come

Feb. 08th
5:00 - 7:00pm

Eco Responsabilité du Cloud, de multiples dimensions à bien aborder

During this 16th workshop Eurocloud France, will discuss the key factors of the Cloud's impact on the environment , as well as an end-to-end measurement approach for a Cloud service and present technological innovations in hardware and software to reduce the environmental impact of the Cloud.


  • Opening : presentation of the White Paper "Ways of thinking about the social and environmental responsibility of the cloud" by Emmanuelle Olivié-Paul
  • Presentation of the Negaoctet project and end-to-end measurement elements by Caroline Vateau
  • Measuring the carbon footprint of SaaS applications - Case study of a software publisher by Vivien Pezerat
  • Presentation of the new Datafarm data center solutions by Romain Gabriel
  • Swarm learning for data center energy reduction by Xavier Poisson Gouyou Beauchamps

Jan. 12th
from 9:00am

Les Assises de l'Embarqué : Tech for Green et Green Tech, les systèmes embarqués au cœur de la transition écologique

For this 15th workshop, our partner Embedded France invites you to participate in the 14th edition of the Assises de l'Embarqué.

  • Introduction by Mathieu Weill, Head of the Digital Economy Department at the DGE
  • Opening: "Green Tech and Tech for green, 20 minutes to understand everything" Carolynn Bernier (CEA), Véronique Torner (Numeum)
  • Round Table 1: Tech for Green. Embedded technology as a lever for the development of a green economy and for the ecological transition? Alstom (TBC), EDF, Schneider Electric, Flying Whales, Mathworks, University of Bordeaux....
  • Round Table 2: Green Tech. Embedded, clean technologies? Ansys, Greespector, Silicon Mobility, Soitec, STmicroelectronics
  • Views from Europe
    • the Green ECS WG of the EPoSS project, by Patrick Blouet (ST) and Simone Bacles-Min (CEA)
    • the Green ECS WG of the EPoSS project, by Patrick Blouet (ST) and Simone Bacles-Min (CEA)
    • the European CPS4EU project, by Philippe Gougeon | R&D and Innovation of Valéo

Find here the detailed program

5:00 - 8:00pm

Colloque Sobriété numérique : piloter sa trajectoire et lutter contre les obsolescences

During this 14th workshop, our partner Cigref will present the work of the Cigref working group on "steering digital sobriety approaches through measurement", in partnership with the Institut du Numérique Responsable (INR), as well as the work of the "Software and hardware obsolescence" taskforce, in the presence of Senator Patrick Chaize, who is the sponsor of the bill aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of digital technology in France.

This conference is part of Cigref's ongoing work and actions on digital sobriety.

Nov. 26th
09:30 - 11:00pm

Formation du numérique et empreinte environnementale : impacts, panorama et facteurs clefs de succès

For this 13th workshop, our partner Talents du Numérique offers you an overview of how digital training establishments are taking the "environmental footprint" theme into account, both in their curricula and within them.


  • Introductory keynote - Yannick Morel from the Latitudes association
  • Feedback from our members
    • Lucie Raphaël, President of the ESAIP environmental association
    • Anne Monnier, Head of the "Ecological Transition" project at ITM
  • Available Resources : the example of the MOOC Impact Num of the association Class'Code - Bastien Masse
  • Q&A

Oct. 18th
5:30 - 7:00pm

Benchmark Green IT 2021 & 2022

held by
What is the digital footprint of an employee for the environment? Discover the exclusive results of the Green IT 2021 Benchmark.
For this 12th workshop, the members of the collectivewill present the results of the Green IT 2021 Benchmarkand launch the 2022 Green IT Benchmark.
The Green IT Benchmark is a collective operation which consists of :
  • Calculating the environmental impacts associated with the participating organisations' information systems, using a standard Life Cycle Assessment screening methodology (ISO 14040/44);
  • Assessing the maturity of the organisations (their capacity to implement good practices) according to a standard reference framework (Green IT Club reference framework and assessment system);
  • Comparing (benchmark) environmental footprint and maturity with a unique European database of over 50 organisations.
You will discover the evolution of impacts over time, their main sources and structure, the areas in which companies are mature and those in which major work remains to be done.

Sept. 23rd 5:00 - 6:30pm

Point sur la réglementation sur le Numérique & Environnement

held by AFNUM, Cinov Numérique & Numeum

During this 11th workshop, AFNUM, Cinov Numérique and Numeum, partners of Planet Tech'Care, will share the main parliamentary works under discussion which aim at reducing the environmental footprint of digital technology.

June 29th 5:00 - 6:30pm

Présentation du Guide des Achats Numériques Responsables

held by the Mission interministérielle Green Tech

For this 10th workshop, our partner, the Mission interministérielle Green Tech will present the Practical Guide to Responsible Digital Purchases, produced by the Interministerial Digital Department (DINUM), the State Purchase Department (DAE) and the Institut du Numérique Responsable (INR), as well as a number of other players.
This guide contains a number of recommendations for public-sector players, which are also open to private-sector players who can use them in their own purchasing process. Published in electronic format, the guide was the subject of a month-long public consultation, mainly aimed at professionals in the procurement of digital goods and services. A new version enriched with contributions will be updated at the end of this consultation.
This guide is one of the deliverables expected from the Green Tech interministerial mission (Tech.Gouv programme), a mission led by DINUM and the Ministry of Ecological Transition. This deliverable is part of the government's "Digital and Environment" roadmap.

After the presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

June 17th

Séminaire des Doctorant.e.s de la Société Informatique de France

held by the SIF

The Seminar for doctoral students - under the aegis of the Société Informatique de France (SIF) - has a double objective for the signatories of Planet-Tech Care. This seminar is a moment of exchange between young scientists (researchers, young engineers) on the defined themes and for the R&D managers of companies and institutions, it is the occasion to discover the French research teams from which the presented works come.

The technical presentations will be accompanied by talks by confirmed scientists in the field (invited lectures). A presentation session is planned on "sustainable" computing and another on socio-economic impacts and decision support for sustainability.

The seminar will be held as a videoconference with one session in the morning and one in the afternoon, with presentations from several regions.

Find the detailed programme here PlanningSeminaire-SIF-17juin

May 26th 5:00 - 6:30pm

Présentation des dispositifs de soutien et d'accompagnement pour le numérique responsable

held by Bpifrance and ADEME

In order to accelerate the transition process for companies, Bpifrance has structured a climate plan in three parts, two of which are aimed at its clients:

  • the expansion of actions in favour of solutions that accelerate the ecological transition: in particular, Bpifrance wishes to strongly support all companies developing digital products/services that favour decarbonisation and the reduction of the environmental impact of third parties, companies, public players and consumers;
  • the transition of companies themselves, in order to make their activity compatible with the carbon neutrality objectives of the Paris Agreement: in fact, Bpifrance has developed a range of tools to promote these approaches, based on dedicated financing and support, alongside partners.
  • bringing our internal practices in line with our climate objectives: Bpifrance is also working on reducing the environmental impact of its digital practices.

For information, Bpifrance has announced a global plan of €40M alongside the Banque des territoires:

In order to face the health, economic and social crisis linked to Covid-19, the government presented on September 3, 2020 a "France recovery" plan aiming at quickly and durably recovering the French economy around 3 main components: ecology, competitiveness and social and territorial cohesion.

As part of the deployment of the Recovery Plan in the territories, ADEME is offering French companies an "Eco-design" package that includes exceptional financial aid to finance their eco-design initiatives:

  • Aid for Research and Development (R&D) projects, via the PERFECTO call for projects
  • Aid for eco-design pre-diagnosis and environmental communication
  • Aid for eco-design assessments, studies for the implementation of an eco-design approach and associated investments.

This approach, which is based on a complete analysis of the life cycle of goods and services (LCA), involves the integration of environmental aspects from the design and development of products and services. It helps to limit pollution, save energy and raw materials, thus reducing pressure on resources, the environment and greenhouse gas emissions.

All production sectors are concerned and eligible. However, the focus is on digital services, considering the speed of deployment of these services, and their potential environmental impacts.

With the "Eco-design" pack, ADEME is giving a new impetus to sustainable production and the marketing of eco-designed products, goods and services with high environmental performance.


April 27th
5:00 - 6:30pm

Introduction à la mesure d'impact environnemental du numérique des organisations

In 2019, digital is responsible for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and this share could double by 2025. Other significant impacts include energy, water, biodiversity and natural resources. There is an adage that says "what cannot be measured cannot be improved".

During this workshop, we will present the key concepts related to measuring the environmental impact of digital organisations. We will also explore the different tools that can be used to launch an informed and effective measurement / monitoring strategy for digital infrastructures (datacenter, network, workplace, cloud). Finally, we will discuss the challenges and benefits for the IT department in integrating this measurement into its strategy.

March 23rd
4:00 - 6:30pm

RESET, chemins et leviers pour un numérique soutenable

Today's digital world is too voracious for tomorrow's world. The RESET collective programme, led by the Fing, proposes to identify concrete changes to be implemented in the short to medium term, within the framework of coalitions of heterogeneous actors: digital actors, public and private sponsors, users. The proposed workshop follows the methodology of coalition building: build a 2021 diagnosis, qualify the achievable impacts in 2 or 3 years, identify the actors and potential levers, define the common actions to be undertaken. Complementary to the other Planet Tech Care workshops, it provides keys to understanding and aims to define mobilising actions (legal, educational, technical, etc.).

Feb. 09th
2:00 - 4:00pm

Workshop 5 - AI and Energy Use

As Artificial Intelligence algorithms become more and more powerful, they can become extremely energy consuming.
Architectures for embedded AI must therefore take this energy component into account. Let's see how techniques such as Neuromorphic Computing can reduce the power consumption of these algorithms. And let's also see with concrete examples how AI is already helping to reduce our daily energy consumption. 


Technologies for energy-efficient AI

  • Neuromorphic Computing - Julie Grollier, Research Director (Thales)
  • Hardware approaches to energy-efficient AI - Alexandre Valentian (CEA)
  • Discussions

AI for energy saving, User stories

  • How to manage the energy of your buildings with AI? - Juliette Mattioli, Senior Expert AI (Thales)
  • Can territorial data be used for energy saving? - Mauna Traikia, Territorial advisor for digital development (CA Plaine Commune Grand Paris)
  • How do energy companies use AI to optimise our energy management? - Sophie Charvet, Energy Savings Product Manager (Total - Direct Energie)

Jan. 13th
5:00 - 7:00pm

Workshop 4 - Digital Ecodesign

Digital eco-design is a major lever for creating environmentally responsible digital solutions.
The Institut du Numérique Responsable, a partner of Planet Tech'Care, will present the work of its Digital Ecodesign task force, which aims to establish a digital ecodesign compliance reference framework. This presentation will be followed by a time of exchange and co-construction of answers based on the experiences of the participants. This 4th workshop will be divided into two parts, each lasting approximately one hour.

Dec. 15th
11:30 - 12:30pm

Workshop 3 - Presentation of the Green IT Barometer

Every two years, AGIT, in partnership with ADEME, conducts the "Green IT Barometer", a study of the maturity of French companies in the adoption of Green IT best practices.The latest edition based on the responses of 672 companies was published in September. What are the conclusions? What changes have occurred since the first edition in 2015? What lessons can you learn to take concrete action within your organisations? Through the study of 8 themes - Datacenter, IT Infrastructures, Governance, Purchasing, End of life, Workstations, Printing and Digital Services - we will offer you a look at the recent trends in companies and the priority practices to adopt in order to become more eco-responsible.

Nov. 26th
5:00 - 7:00pm

Workshop 2 - Digital Sobriety Conference

Watch the presentation of Cigref's report "Digital Sobriety: a responsible business approach" and its Reference Framework of 100 good practices resulting from the work of the Cigref working group on digital sobriety in partnership with The Shift Project. Time will also be devoted to feedback from companies that have participated in this Cigref working group and to exchanges with stakeholders in the ecosystem

Nov. 10th
3:45 - 4:45pm

Workshop 1 - #LaRefNum20 - Towards a sustainable digital future

held by Syntec Numérique and Latitudes

Our first workshop will be held during La REF Numérique organised by Medef in partnership with Syntec Numérique and whose 2020 edition is placed under the theme: Numérique et Ecologie, faut-il vraiment choisir? Relying on the strength of the collective and the sharing of experience to reduce the environmental footprint of digital technology is one of the cornerstones of the Planet Tech'Care initiative. After a keynote presentation of Planet Tech'Care by Véronique Torner. President of the Sustainable Digital Program of Syntec Numérique, in charge of the initiative, three of our signatories Docaposte, CDiscount and ASI will share the reasons that motivated them to join Planet Tech'Care and the actions they have already taken internally in favour of a more sober digital world.