Digital commits to the planet!

Collective is our strength

Planet Tech'Care brings together sustainable digital players, convinced that digital technology represents major opportunities for innovation at the service of the ecological transition.

1 Manifesto

31 partenaires

1045 signataires

32 ambassadeurs

1 workshop per month


As a Partner

→ Offer at least one workshop to the Signatories during the year
→ Give visibility to the initiative in order to contribute to the recruitment of new signatories

As a Signatory - company or educational & training organisation

→ Sign the Manifesto
→ Contribute to the programme through feedback and sharing of good practice

As an Ambassador

→ Spread the word about Planet Tech'Care and disseminate its news to its community so that it becomes involved and joins the initiative
→ Connect members of its network interested in the support programme with the platform

Introducing the initiative

Led by Numeum, Planet Tech'Care is the first initiative to bring together a network of partners (professional organisations, schools, innovation centers, associations, foundations, think tanks), which aims to support companies wishing to integrate digital technology into their environmental trajectory and to support training players in developing skills in sustainable IT.

By committing to a manifesto, signatories have free access to a support programme consisting of several events (notably conferences and webinars) designed by digital and environmental experts, partners of the initiative.

Digital represents

billion connected
devices in 2019

GreenIT Report
"Empreinte environnementale du numérique mondial, oct. 2019"

of global GHG emissions
0 %

GreenIT Report
"Empreinte environnementale du numérique mondial, oct. 2019"

increase in annual
energy consumption
0 %

Lean ICT
Shift Project, p.15

Want to contribute, to get involved?

Companies and training organisations commit by signing a manifesto and receive free access to a coaching programme.
Partners undertake to provide free content to raise awareness, share good practice and encourage feedback.




DIGILUX est un cabinet de conseil expert dans la transformation numérique responsable. Nous intervenons auprès d’entreprises, associations et organismes publics et réalisons des audits et du conseil stratégique avec une démarche pragmatique et personnalisée.

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Des forfaits mobiles écologiques et éthiques. Un accompagnement vers la sobriété numérique (conseils, outils dédiés…)

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