#DesignForGood Designer créatif et éthique : j’élabore vos stratégies Branding, Print ou Digital, afin que vos marques se distinguent et performent de manière responsable 🌱
#DesignForGood Designer créatif et éthique : j’élabore vos stratégies Branding, Print ou Digital, afin que vos marques se distinguent et performent de manière responsable 🌱
During the workshop, Richard Hanna gave a detailed presentation of the Reference Framework and was able to answer the many questions from the 200-plus participants! Getting started
Workshop 26 - Presentation of the RGESN Repository and the NumEcoDiag tool by MiNumEco Read More »
Ubisoft, one of the world's leading video game developers and publishers, has recently made strides towards becoming a more environmentally-friendly company. In a presentation by Sophie Barteau, Head of
Workshop 4 Retex Signatories - Measuring progress Read More »
The Planet Tech'Care community is growing! We are happy to welcome a new Partner, Digital 113 and two new ambassadors, the association Aristote and Déclic! The Planet Tech'Care community now gathers
The second edition of the GreenTech Forum, an event under the patronage of Planet Tech'Care, will be held on 1 and 2 December 2022 in Paris. The call for contributions to intervene
In order to support public and private organisations, AFNOR has drawn up an AFNOR SPEC reference document on the "design of digital services" with the participation of 36 digital players. This reference document
Publication of the AFNOR Spec guide "ecodesign of digital services" Read More »
The Planet Tech'Care community is growing! Our ambassadors are an essential part of Planet Tech'Care and help us grow our initiative and our community. Alliancy is a media
Welcome to SOLAINN and Alliancy as Planet Tech'Care ambassadors! Read More »
The Interministerial Mission led by Dinum (MiNumEco) and the Ministry of Ecological Transition has published and put out for consultation, from 17 February to 1 April 2022, its first
Participez à la 9ème édition de l’appel à projets I-Nov avant le 22/03/2022 12h. Ce concours d’excellence est dédié aux projets innovants mono-partenaires portés par des startups et PME et
9ème édition du concours I-NOV du Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (PIA) Read More »
Retrouvez ici le replay de la table ronde dédiée à la double transition numérique et environnementale lors des Masters of Digital organisés par DigitalEurope le 3 février dernier. Chaque année,